los ángeles video

All posts tagged los ángeles video

A fun video to shoot and edit. I filmed a few times in Florida and various places in Calif. I like the lighting of trees I did for the shot that I put the first still with title on, that was a swamp in Florida in Orlando and the beach scenes with the girl is at Cocoa Beach south of Daytona.

( Need video – contact Jaymz Eberly – facebook.com/eberlyPhoto or  562-225-1584

Jimmy Allan Sine – Your Tears Rollin’ Down My Face – Official Video ( Eberly Productions ) Music produced by Matt Packuco & Kelly Gray Video Filmed & Edited by: Jaymz Eberly / EberlyProductions.com Special thanks to everyone at Jeremiah’s ice cream shop in Lake Forest, Florida. Very special thanks to Jenny Ramos for playing Sunny Applegate & her husband Aris Ramos for being so patient. Lisa and Gabby Gosselin thanks for putting in all the time that day… And yes… thanks to Sunny Applegate (the real one) for agreeing to do a cameo.